Christmas Review: Good News of Great Joy

by | Dec 19, 2012 | 2012, A+, Ages 1-6, Ages 4-8, ARC, Christmas30, eBook, Nada | 4 comments

30 Days of Christmas 2012, 28

It’s that time again! It’s time for my 30 reviews of Christmas.
Read my old reviews here: Christmas Books

Hott Synopsis

The Amazing Story of Jesus’ Birth

As you search through books this year trying to find one that will tell the actual account of Jesus’ birth in a way that your children will enjoy and comprehend know that this one book that will be that answer.

Share God’s gift with your family today!

Hott Review

What I liked: Absolutely Amazing! Kelly Pulley did an astonishing job of taking the account of Jesus’ birth from the Bible and rendering it in a rhymtastic easy to understand story. This one is going under my tree — but it’s a year-round read!
What I didn’t like: Absolutely Nothing!


Author: Kelly Pulley
Source: David C. Cook via Netgalley
Grade: A+

My Reviews and Amazon Links:

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** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review. If you have further questions, please, review my FTC Disclaimer on my homepage.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. Paul R. Hewlett

    Great review, it looks and sounds like a great book! I’m putting this under my tree also. Thanks for sharing.

    Paul R. Hewlett

    • Gina @ HottBooks

      Yes, it was a good book. Almost all of the preschoolers loved it!

  2. Xmasdolly

    I love Christmas books. I have two pop up ones for the kids and to here the sighs and ooooo’s does me good I know. I once had a house filled with children (4) plus their friends. Now they’re all grown and it’s me and “Baby” my black lab. Love your choice of books. Hope you’re having fun holidays.

    • Gina @ HottBooks

      Mine are too big, as well, but I love spoiling the nieces & nephews. We read together almost every day!!


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