February’s Over! Here’s My Update:

by | Mar 4, 2014 | 2015 | 2 comments

It’s Over!

I’m so happy that February is over & can only pray that it’s taking the snow with it. I know, it’s a beautiful thing…but not when it wreaks havoc with my schedule. I NEED MY SCHEDULE!!!

See below to see how far I am on my challenges

2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge

hosted by Fiktshun and Phantasmic Reads!
I’m planning to get 10 (Apprentice) books done that I’ve Already signed up for but haven’t yet completed.

  1. Guys Against the Girls
  2. Beauty for Ashes
  3. A January Bride
  4. The Perfect Match
  5. Gunpowder Tea
  6. A Girl to Come Home To
  7. Smitten Book Club
  8. What the Bride Didn’t Know
  9. Always On My Mind
  10. Sweet Olive

2014 Mount TBR Challenge

hosted by Bev @ My Reader’s Block. I’ll be reading AT LEAST 12 books from my existing TBR pile.

  1. Guys Against the Girls
  2. Beauty for Ashes
  3. A January Bride
  4. The Perfect Match
  5. Gunpowder Tea
  6. A Girl to Come Home To
  7. Smitten Book Club
  8. What the Bride Didn’t Know
  9. Always On My Mind
  10. Sweet Olive

2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge 2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge

hosted by Ramblings of a Daydreamer. I’ll be reading 13-20 books (Traveling back in time) to complete this challenge.

  1. Beauty for Ashes
  2. Gunpowder Tea
  3. A Girl to Come Home To

2014 Just for Fun Reading Challenge

  1. The Doctor’s Secret Bride
  2. Evening Stars

2014 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge

Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge

  1. JAN- The Doctor’s Secret Bride
  2. FEB- Crud – I missed this one!

Women Challenge

2014 Women Challenge

hosted by Peek a Book. I’m planning to read 16 to 20 books written by a woman author (SUPER GIRL). My favorites are Susan Mallery, Amanda Scott, Regina Scott, Jayne Anne Krentz, and Mary Connealy.

  1. Guys Against the Girls
  2. Beauty for Ashes
  3. A January Bride
  4. The Perfect Match
  5. Gunpowder Tea
  6. The Doctor’s Secret Bride
  7. Smitten Book Club
  8. What the Bride Didn’t Know
  9. Sweet Olive

2014 Netgalley Reading Challenge

hosted by Ariel Avalon. I’ll be completing 16-20 books from Netgalley.

  1. Beauty for Ashes
  2. A January Bride
  3. The Perfect Match
  4. Gunpowder Tea
  5. A Girl to Come Home To
  6. Smitten Book Club
  7. What the Bride Didn’t Know
  8. Sweet Olive

2014 Reading Challenge: Indie-Fever2014 Indie Fever Reading Challenge

hosted by b00k r3vi3ws by DDS. My level is — Amateur : Choose to read 1 – 24 New Authors. I’m hoping to add five new authors to my list.

  1. Guys Against the Girls
  2. The Doctor’s Secret Bride

What’s In A Name challengeWhat’s in a Name? Reading Challenge 2014

hosted at The Worm Hole.

  1. A reference to time – Always On My Mind

Fifty States 2014

No one appears to be hosting but I like this one so I’m doing it anyway 😉

In DeathIn Death Reading Challenge – Perpetual

Since I STILL haven’t finished yet…

Next Up:
    • Promises in Death, 28
    • Kindred in Deathv
    • Missing in Death, 29.5
    • Fantasy in Death, 30
    • Indulgence in Death, 31
    • Possession In Death, 31.5
    • Treachery in Death, 32
    • New York to Dallas, 33
    • Chaos in Death, 33.5
    • Celebrity in Death, 34
    • Delusion in Death
    • Calculated in Death
    • Thankless in Death
    • Taken in Death (Mirror, Mirror)

Monthly Mix-UpMonthly Mix-up Mania

Host: Book Dragon
Level: Read for ea letter (74 Books)

Read Your Freebies!

hosted by The Book Vixen. The goal is to read at least twelve (12) free ebooks.

  1. The Doctor’s Secret Bride

2014 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge2014 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge

hosted by Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book. The goal is to read at least twelve (12) free ebooks.

2014 Alphabet Soup Reading ChallengeThe Book Monopoly Challenge – Perpetual

hosted by Crazy Challenge Connection.

1st Move: Rolled a 5 and moved to READING RAILROAD: Read a book with a train on the cover or in the story or with an X in the title or author’s name OR a book by an author whose first and last names begin with the same letter, for example Michael Morpurgo or Cleo Coyle

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. talesofwhimsy

    I’m so sick of winter. I need more socialization and outdoor play.

    • Gina @ HottBooks

      Oh – me too!! Outdoor soccer is supposed to start soon & I SO NEED THE SUN!!!