Live to Tell (Detective D.D. Warren), Lisa Gardner

by | Aug 24, 2010 | 2010, A+, ARC, eBook, Paperback, Review | 4 comments

Have you ever been in a grocery store and wondered why parents of a child were treating the child that way? Have you ever thought – ‘That child needs spanked’, ‘That child needs love’. Have you ever watched the news and wondered, ‘I wonder who raised that child?’

Obviously there was something wrong with the parents to make the child that way, right? It has something to do with their living environment. They were abused. Neglected. Abandoned.

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Well, not always. Sometimes children are just born that way. Sometimes they are uncontrollable. Sometimes they are led in ways

What would you do if it were your child? Would you drug them? How long will it be until an immunity is built up against the drugs? Then what? Do you institutionalize them? Or, do you do your best to raise them?

How do you chose?

For Victoria there wasn’t a choice. Her husband left and took their daughter with him. To protect her. Yes, she needed protection – but at the cost of the family?

Danielle, on the other hand has lived her life on the other side. How are you supposed to react when you are the lone survivor when her father takes his service revolver and murders their family – everyone except her. How do you cope with remembering that? Would you try to find out what happened? Would you forgive and move on? Or would you try to forget everything except the anger? That’s what Danielle did.

This week is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the annihilation of her family & other families are turning up as hers did — except there are no survivors. Detective D.D. Warren must try to find out if Danielle is recreating this. If there’s a child on the loose. Or if it’s something else… something evil.

My thoughts

For me this book dealt with one of the scariest thing a parent must ever feel – Am I doing things right? No, my children aren’t anything like these children but sometimes you have to wonder.

What I liked about this book: It was absolutely a thriller. It was well written, well research, and an extremely compelling story. After picking it up, I only put it down when I needed to relax – because it was stressful! Victoria’s and Danielle’s issues were so real that I felt as if I was making these decisions myself. I really enjoyed D.D.’s personality she was a fun detective & I’ll have to pick up more of her books.

What I didn’t like: There was quite a bit of foul language. It wasn’t excessive just annoying.

This was definitely a terrific book. Especially because I love to guess ‘who done it’  and I was wrong. That doesn’t happen very often and I usually love when it does especially when the ending is perfect but I just didn’t see it coming!

Grab this today!!

— OR enter the contest as I’ll be giving away two of these on September 9th

Rating: A
Buy or Borrow: Buy

** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. Juju at Tales of

    Great review!

    • GHott

      Thanks! It was easy — the book was terrific!

  2. Cheryl

    Thanks for the fab review of Lisa's latest novel. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's been a very popular book with tour hosts. I hope to get a chance to read it at some point too.

    Thanks again for the great review.


    • GHott

      Thanks, Cheryl!
      She’s one of my fav’s!


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