Review: Angel Be Good (@kathycarmichael)

by | Apr 14, 2012 | 2012, B+, eBook, Review, Scorcher

Hott Synopsis

Daphne can’t believe that this has happened! Who would have thought that her instinct and soft heart would get her killed – especially, for someone she doesn’t even like.

Now, in return for getting to finish out her life – as another person, mind you – Daphne is asked to complete just one small errand. All she needs to do is to she Nathaniel Danvers, the son of the man she died for, the error of his ways.

And not fall for him in the process.

Hott Review

I was prepared to laugh but I was not prepared for this book to bring tears to my eyes. It was such a fun spin on the traditional Scrooge story but completely it’s own bit of fun!

Thanks, Ms. Carmichael for a wonderful evening! I’m such a cheap date! 😉 I just need one of your books & a glass of wine.


Author: Kathy Carmichael
Grade: B+
Steam: Sultry

— This was not an ARC but instead a kindle freebie. —


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Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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