Results for "label/Series- Chesapeake Shores"

Christmas Review | A Seaside Christmas

Hott Synopsis: After spending a year proving to herself and the rest of Nashville that Caleb's betrayal hadn't completely destroyed her, Jenny decides to return home to finally recuperate and to med fences. Life is tense but secure in the little town of Chesapeake...

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Review: The Summer Garden

Hott Synopsis Everyone is holding their breathe and waiting to see what Luke O'Brien, the youngest of the O'Brien clan, plans to make of himself. Or, at least, that's how it feels to Luke as he begins to pull together his dream. He can only hope that he'll be half as...

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Day 6 Review: An O’Brien Family Christmas

Welcome to my 30 Days of Christmas Reviews Holiday Feature! Beginning November 26th and continuing through December 31st, I will be posting 30 Christmas Reviews. Shop by Christmas 30and find great new reads for Christmas. I'd also like to add your Christmas Spirit to...

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Day 6 Review: An O’Brien Family Christmas

Welcome to my 30 Days of Christmas Reviews Holiday Feature! Beginning November 26th and continuing through December 31st, I will be posting 30 Christmas Reviews. Shop by Christmas 30 and find great new reads for Christmas.I'd also like to add your Christmas Spirit to...

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Review: Moonlight Cove

Hott Synopsis'Lunch by the Bay' is a new dating service started by Will Lincoln in Chesapeake Shores. BN - Amazon - GR - AuthorHe's spent years perfecting the criteria for matching couples and is finally confident enough to put his system to work - if only getting his...

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Beach Lane by Sherryl Woods

Hott Synopsis Susie has been in love BN - Amazon - GR - Author with Mack for as long as she can remember. Not that he knows it of course. She's told him many times that she would never consider him due to his player ways. Ugh! Was that a bad move or what? Especially...

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Driftwood Cottage

Hott Synopsis Conner O'Brien is willing to give Heather Donovan almost everything she's ever dreamed of. BN - Amazon - GR - CBD - Author Well, he'll give her everything except marriage. He just can't see what the big deal is. He's a divorce lawyer, for goodness sakes!...

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