
As we drive past a neighbor's house. Bug looks up and says, "Hey! They're putting up an extension!" CJ - who knows everything 😉 - responds, "It's not an extension. It's an addition. Extensions are those things girls put in their hair... Well, I guess guys could put...

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Say What?

The other night laying in bed hubby moved and said, "I can't lay like that it makes my neck stiffer." I, of course, responded with, "Oh honey! I'm so sorry do you want for me to massage it for you?" uh, nope that's SO not me... I really said: "Stiffer? Yeah, I don't...

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Did You Really Just Say That?!?!

My Father-in-law owns a meat store where my 16-year-old has worked every summer for years and as a help to CJ's class fundraiser my FIL supplied the lunchmeat needed to make sandwiches to sell at school. The orders were in and CJ & I were driving home after picking...

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Another Day

Yesterday, was my baby's birthday. The birthday where he turned 16. All I could do as I sat there was to think about how precious he is. I was so very scared when I found out I was pregnant. I was living alone my boyfriend had just broken up with me. I was devastated....

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We Need Sleep!!

My husband is a bit tense. He's not mean and he does have fun but he tends to be a bit uptight. So, the other night after a game we were laying in bed watching tv and he called out to CJ, "In bed by 9:30 tonight!" I looked over at him and said, "It's almost 10." He...

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