It's been a bit of a rough year. We're handling it well but sometimes we wonder how much more we can handle. I was riding down the road with Zany the other day and said "I'm a bit emotional today so don't worry if I start crying." Zany responded, "Great, who died this...
Hott Laughs
I apparently need to listen to more music…
My family normally listens to the Christian music station, except when the weather is bad. So the other day when it was snowing Bug & I were driving down the road and this song came on: So my...
An Eventful Journey
TuesdayI only have two more things to pack and then I can go visit Grammy before I leave. No biggie I thought as I zipped up my suitcase. Only, t would zip. Ugh! Not now! I pulled a little hard and the entire zipper pulled away from the luggage. Great! I can't travel...
A Wonderful Day
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you that you are a wonderful mom... unless you think you're a wonderful mom and then you really need to work on yourself 😉 Happy Mother's Day!!! Gina ~ Hott Books
As we drive past a neighbor's house. Bug looks up and says, "Hey! They're putting up an extension!" CJ - who knows everything 😉 - responds, "It's not an extension. It's an addition. Extensions are those things girls put in their hair... Well, I guess guys could put...
Say What?
The other night laying in bed hubby moved and said, "I can't lay like that it makes my neck stiffer." I, of course, responded with, "Oh honey! I'm so sorry do you want for me to massage it for you?" uh, nope that's SO not me... I really said: "Stiffer? Yeah, I don't...
Did You Really Just Say That?!?!
My Father-in-law owns a meat store where my 16-year-old has worked every summer for years and as a help to CJ's class fundraiser my FIL supplied the lunchmeat needed to make sandwiches to sell at school. The orders were in and CJ & I were driving home after picking...
And She Took a Test To Get This Job…
So, I'm at the Post Office. I stood in line fro twenty minutes with only one teller. There were LOTS of other employees there but none that could "take money". I finally got to the teller and she went though the spiel - is there anything liquid, perishable, blah,...
Oh My Goodness!!
Zany & I were driving down the road the other day when I stopped at a light. Then I hear, "They need to paint some clothes on her!" I look up to see what on earth Zany's talking about and notice on the window of the corner stylist is a painting of a pin-up girl and I...