Have you ever heard the song Just Be Held from Casting Crowns? It's one of those songs that just hits you and reminds you that you're not alone. Something I struggle to remember. I was talking to a friend last night about how sometimes I just feel like I'm drowning....
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Let’s Get Cleaned
As I was listening to the preacher a few weeks ago he gave a checklist of how to know if you're saved. And my heart sank. I couldn't check off all of those things! It took several days with lots of prayer and Bible reading for me to get past that - and obviously I'm...
Merry Christmas
On this wonderful Christmas day. I'm praying you remember the why and the how of this momentous occasion. It's so easy to become wrapped up in the shopping and the hectic-ness of celebration and forget the reason the celebration is important. So, amid all of your...
Have a Wonderful Day!
For hundreds of years people in this country have put their lives on the line every day to just protect us. From mother nature, from each other, and from outside invaders. They've also traveled to other areas in this world to assist those unable to protect themselves....
Amish Fiction? YUCK!
Every time I see a new Amish Fiction YUCK! is the first word to come to mind. Recently, I read Out of the Storm, and it finally hit me why I avoid Amish Fiction like the plague. I do not like the church leaders or many of the women. Every time I read an Amish Fiction...
My thoughts on Phoenix
All of my life I've wanted to travel. To see things. To get close the the amazing images I've seen in books. Luckily & unluckily my job has provided me with that opportunity. A few weeks ago I took a trip to...
Happy Easter!!
Have a wonderful day!! Gina ~ Hott Books
Parents — This is Important!
If you pay any attention to the news, you've seen the coverage of the religious-freedom battles playing out at the highest levels, including the U.S. Supreme Court. But what you might not know is that, in just a few days, thousands of teens across the nation will take...
Why is it still cold?
Two days until April and there is freezing rain outside... & I'm headed out to watch my darling son play soccer... on turf. The things we do for our children. Think of me 😉 (The pic is from Fall... when we knew what the sun was...) Gina ~ Hott Books