I know I do.
Yes, I typically read romance and comedic stories but sometimes I really just need to read something dark and sinister. When I’m looking for the latest and greatest I always run right over to “Partners in Crime Tours”. Molly and Cheryl at Partners always seem to have exactly what I’m looking for.
So, are you looking for something new? Do you need to branch out? Are you looking for a new ARC group? Well, I’ve managed to talk Cheryl, from Partners in Crime Tours, into an interview today.
What is your vision for Partners in Crime Tours?
I would like to see Partners in Crime Tours to be successful in assisting authors gain recognition and help them promote their books in a new marketing age and venue. And in doing so, also have Partners in Crime Tours grow and become successful by recommendations, testimonials and references. And to strive for that is, that our that our hosts are screened and selected that they enjoy reading that genre. Also when we book a tour, we send out an email to our hosts, including the synopsis and tour dates and if our hosts are interested, they will fill out a form and return it. We don’t pressure our hosts to participate in every tour.
What are you hoping to accomplish?
To assist authors, publishers, publicists gain recognition for their books and help with sales. Make it a pleasant experience for all involved, including our hosts.
How would a host or author contact you?
There are multiple ways. My partner, Molly and I can be contacted through our site, Partners In Crime Tours (
www.partnersincrimetours.net) where there are submission forms for both authors and hosts. I can also be contacted through Facebook, Twitter, Lnkedin, GoodReads, NING and my personal blog, CMash Loves To Read (
Wow!, thanks for stopping by today, Cheryl & for creating Partners in Crime Tours, which has always been a terrific experience for me! Stop by & check them out!
Thank you for having me!!
Oh wow. Great idea.