I know, I know, I’ve spoken with Dana Marton before. But that was before I knew that she had a fantasy novel. I really need to keep a better eye on these authors that I adore!! Check it out!!
This novel was amazing! I just couldn’t put it down. I know that you started this as a class assignment but, what was your inspiration?
But as long as I kept hearing that voice, I kept writing. And when I was done, I loved the book. Then feedback came from industry professionals: great book, but can’t be classified, which means we wouldn’t know whether to put it on the YA shelf or the fantasy shelf or the romance shelf, which means we don’t know how to promote it. I thought really hard about rewriting The Third Scroll as a romantic fantasy, but it would have ruined the book. There was only one thing that I thought I could change without compromising the story: the point of view. So I rewrote the entire book in 3rd person. And hated the end result. Tera’s voice was the soul of the book. I wasn’t telling the story, she was. It was her story to tell. So I gave it back to her and I threw out the 3rd person version.
I’m so glad I didn’t compromise and hack her story to pieces so it could be more conveniently shelved in book stores. I have not had one complaint from a reader so far that they didn’t know what publishing subcategory to put the book in, or that it’s written in first person. Readers seem to fall in love with Tera and Batumar as much as I have. The response have been amazing. With my other books (I also published nearly thirty romantic suspense novels over the years), I receive 1 reader mail for about every 1000 book sold. With The Third Scroll, that ratio is 1 in 3. About a third of the people who read the book wrote to tell me how they stayed up until dawn to finish it, how they’re still thinking about Tera, and asking when the sequel is coming out. Some of these letters put tears in my eyes. I fought for ten years to be able to get this story in front of readers. All I can say is, it was a fight worth fighting.
This was a hard book to classify. It’s not really young adult but it’s not terribly steamy either, it’s not para but there is magic, it’s not even really fantasy because it’s so believable. How do you classify it, or can you?
Can you tell us what we can expect from the next book in the series?
I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m thrilled that Dana didn’t compromise the story and I, for one, will be waiting with bated breathe for the next installment.
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Thank you so much for the amazing compliment! And thank you for having me as a guest on your wonderful site!