Wild Man Creek

by | Jul 21, 2011 | 2011, eBook, Review | 2 comments

Hott Synopsis

Jillian is shocked to her toes. She’s lost everything. Well, everything that matters to her. Okay, just her job and her reputation but still, to Julia that might as well be everything.


Sure there was a confidentiality agreement but Jillian could see as she left the building that most knew why she was taking a ‘leave of absence.’ Really. How could she have been so stupid as to have let a man – a subordinate – throw her under the bus that way? She wrote the rules for this company and now she’s being dismissed for not adhering to them. Can life get any worse?

Jillian’s boss, Harry knows this is a load, yet his loyalties have to lie with the company. He can’t let Jillian take a multi-million dollar software company employing hundreds down with her. They must come first. Being Jillian’s friend he reminds her that she needs a vacation anyway and suggests that she do a bit of travelling while things get sorted.

Kelly, Jillian’s older sister, is absolutely on her side! (The mark of a terrific sister and best friend!) Kelly also agrees with Harry – Jillian needs to get out of town and have some fun! The only caveat she adds is that Jillian must call her every day and let Kelly know where she is.

And so, after several phone calls and wrong turns Jillian ends up back in Virgin River where she, her sister, and some friends visited a couple years ago. The last place that she remembers relaxing. Right back onto the back porch that overlooks a garden reminding Jillian of her happiest times – summers in the garden with her Great-Grandmother.

Jillian will heal, with Great-Grandma’s help, but will she love again? Will the handsome builder who shows her the house begin to make her feel? Or will it be the sexy painter she finds in the field behind her house? Or will she again fall for an employee that she needs to help her get her business going? Will Jillian be willing to risk it all, again?

Hott Review

What I enjoyed: I’m not an emotional reader but I cried several times while reading this book. It really stood out to me that in the previous book the hero is considered to be ‘emotional’ and it’s a very sexual book and this book where the hero is considered to be ‘outgoing’ the book was very emotional. I loved it. I always love it when the characters don’t realize where they need to be and screw up horribly. (I do prefer not to see it in person though.) I really enjoyed reading about Jillian’s gardening business and how she just toughs up and moves on instead of whining and lamenting.

What I didn’t enjoy: Honestly, this was a terrific book but there were some things that irked me a bit. I love that we keep up with past character and that there is a set-up for the next book but there were times in this book that I got a bit confused and I know who everyone is. There was a LOT going on. This is a series that I do not think it’s a good idea to just pick up a book and start reading. I’ve not yet read the first four and know that sometimes that hinders me from understanding certain aspects of the books and the characters. So, yes, I’d suggest reading this book but only if you’ve read at least a few books already or if it just doesn’t bother you to be a bit lost at times.

Rating: A
Steam: Adult – Quite steamy and graphic
Series: Virgin River #12
Publisher: Mira Publish Date: January 25th 2011
ISBN: 0778329313 Price: $2.97(GR)
Others in the series: Book 13 – Harvest Moon
Book 12 – Wild Man Creek
Book 11 – Promise Canyon
Novella 10.2 – “Midnight Confessions”
Novella 10.1 – “Sheltering Hearts”
Book 10 – Moonlight Road
Book 9 – Angel’s Peak
Book 8 – Forbidden Falls
Novella 7.5 – “Under the Christmas Tree
Book 7 – Paradise Valley
Book 6 – Temptation Ridge
Book 5 – Second Chance Pass
Book 4 – A Virgin River Christmas
Book 3 – Whispering Rock
Book 2 – Shelter Mountain
Book 1 – Virgin River

** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.com

    Great review. Thanks for the warning!

  2. Sarah (The Brazen Bookworm)

    I tried one of the series once, since I'd seen it recommended by so many people. Silly me, though – I just picked up a random book from the series and I was really confused by all the characters and the backstories I'd obviously missed by not reading the previous books. So, I totally agree with you that this is not a series in which every book works well alone.

    I like a good emotional read, though, so I think I'll put the series back on my TBR list based on your review of this book. Maybe the second time will be better! Thanks for the good and honest review!


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