Review | An October Bride

by | Nov 25, 2014 | 2014, A, ARC, eBook, Nada, Novella, YA

Hott Synopsis:

amazon Goodreads
“Walk Emma down the aisle.”

When Emma accidentally comes across her dying father’s bucket list she can’t help but to be shocked at the only item pertaining to her. She called off her wedding because of her dad’s cancer! Now she needs to find a groom to make his only remaining wish a reality.

When the man she’s loved since, well, forever, offers to stand in as her groom Emma is thrilled! The question is will this facade teach her that there is a big difference between avoiding reality by pretending it doesn’t exist and enjoying reality for as long as possible?

Hott Review:

I really don’t like first-person books. They’re generally really difficult for me to enjoy but after just a few paragraphs of Katie Ganshert’s An October Bride I was completely enthralled.
This was like hearing your best friend tell you her story. It’s funny, heart-breaking, and endearing!


Author: Katie Ganshert
Source: Zondervan via Netgalley
Grade: A
Ages: 16+
Steam: Nada
Setting: Mayfair, Wisconsin
Series: A Year of Weddings, 11

A December Bride

A January Bride

A February Bride

A March Bride

An April Bride

A May Bride

A June Bride

A July Bride

An August Bride

A September Bride

An October Bride

A November Bride

Author Bio:

Christy Award finalist and Carol Award winner, Katie Ganshert, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a degree in education, and worked as a fifth grade teacher for several years before staying home to write full-time. She was born and raised in the Midwest, where she lives with her husband, their young son, and their goofy black lab, Bubba. When she’s not busy writing or playing or reading or snuggling, she is obsessing over the paperwork and the waiting that comes with adoption.

You can learn more about Katie and her books by visiting: author's website twitter facebook


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Gina ~ Hott Books

** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review. If you have further questions, please, review my FTC Disclaimer on my homepage.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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