Review | A July Bride

by | Nov 4, 2014 | 2014, ARC, eBook, Novella | 2 comments

Hott Synopsis:

amazon Goodreads
Alyssa Pennington has always dreamt of becoming a July Bride like her mother and grandmother before her, but her dreams walk out the door when Brendan Meyers deserts her on their wedding day.

Brendan knows he messed up, deserting the love of his life at the alter is no way to confess his love, but spending every last penny he has isn’t working either. Brendan needs a way to show Alyssa that she can trust him and that he’ll never desert her again.

Dalton Landreth is, quite possibly, the only person happy about how things have worked out. He’s been wanting to get his hands on Alyssa, his best friend’s little sister, for as long as he can remember.

Alyssa will need to decide which man really is the one she can trust.

Hott Review:

In many ways A July Bride was much more realistic, to me. This is the first to talk about impurity and alcohol. Beth Wiseman managed to bring so many secular topics that Christian must deal with in their daily walk into this novella it was amazing. That she could do that without making it seemed rushed or undeveloped deserves an award!


Author: Beth Wiseman
Source: Zondervan via Netgalley
Grade: A
Ages: 18+
Steam: Adult – There are some adult references but nothing inappropraite.
Setting: La Grange, Texas
Series: A Year of Weddings, #8









Author Bio:

Beth is the best-selling and award winning author of the Daughters of the Promise series – Plain Perfect, Plain Pursuit, Plain Promise, Plain Paradise, and Plain Proposal. She is contracted with HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Her other series–the Land of Canaan Novels–begins with Seek Me With All Your Heart, then The Wonder of Your Love and now, His Love Endures Forever. Seek Me With All Your Heart is the first Amish fiction book selected as a Women of Faith novel in 2011. Beth has also written two contemporary Christian fiction novels, Need You Now published in 2012 and The House That Love Built in 2013.
In a daring new novel, The Promise, Beth jumps way outside the box. This story will take readers far away from Amish Country and small Texas towns to a dangerous place on the other side of the world. Inspired by a true story, Beth believes this is the book she’s been working toward for a long time.

Websites & Links: author's website twitter facebook

* from Goodreads


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Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. wall-to-wall books-wendy

    Did I skip A July Bride? Because I don’t remember this one!
    I am reading Oct right now – very good!

    • Gina @ HottBooks

      I don’t know. I really liked it. Am reading August now – trying to catch up!! 🙂


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