I adore being a part of the Partner’s in Crime Crew because I get to actually talk to the authors whose books I’m reading. One such author is, Alan Williams.
Alan, I think that Will is an extremely interesting character, as a closet geek myself I find him absolutely intriguing! What is your reference for his character?

Wil is a composite; in terms of his character, lifestyle and background. His introduction to computers is very similar to my own, his role as an internet journalist is based on a number of people I’ve met, who do the job for real. Wil’s toys are all real, his home office and his other gadgets are all commercially available.
I wanted to merge all of these things together in creating Wil, the idea for his character developed over a period of time, and I wasn’t sure at first how big a character he would be. I toyed with several ideas about what should happen to him. My only certain thought was that I didn’t want him to be some kind of superhero, he had to be fallible.
What was the most difficult part of writing this book for you?
I only write in my spare time, so it was the practical aspect of finding the time to write; having a “day-job”, writing was largely reserved for weekends and evenings. This had implications for continuity and remembering where I had left the story between sessions, so planning out the scenes well in advance was important to avoid wasting time each time I sat down to write; trying to remember what happened last. It also meant making sure that I captured ideas as they occurred to me to ensure I didn’t forget them by the time I was next in front of my keyboard. I used some very Wil-like technology to do that, as well as a traditional pen and paper.
Can we anticipate more works from you?
I hope so. I have plenty of ideas, and I’m working on the sequel to Killer Bytes at the moment; Wil Jackson, Gavin Price and Charlotte Wilson are scheduled to return. I’m planning to follow up some of the comments that readers have made about Wil’s character, so you can expect to find out a little more about his backstory, but I’m letting Gavin Price take the lead in this one. He’s moved jobs, but he still needs a computer expert to back him up.
As to when that’s a little less certain. I work with my editor in sections, to try and balance my costs a little, but that means I have to make sure he has the time to work on my story. If everything goes to plan, hopefully there’ll be a novel towards the end of 2012 or early 2013. Details will be on my website https://tontowilliams.com/ as they are available.
** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review. If you have further questions, please, review my FTC Disclaimer on my homepage.
Hi Gina,
Thanks for your questions and for reviewing Killer Bytes, on this stop on the tour.
So glad you stopped!
Great interview and insight into the writer and his characters!
Thanks, girl!