If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that, although I’m a conservative Christian, I read books from pretty much across the board. There are a lot of reasons for this but one of them is so that I’m able to speak knowledgeably to people who enjoy all genres about books that I love.
Recently, I read a book that completely floored me. The impact this book had on me was shocking and I needed to spend some time with the author to dig in just a bit more.
(If you’re interested you can find my review here.)
1- This book covered all of the bases, but I felt like you had someone particular in mind when you wrote this. Can you describe the person you intended this for?
My inspiration for this story, however, came from a friend who had a similar experience. I was so moved by her story, her strength, her faithfulness, and her love for her baby that I never could stop thinking about it. I went online and read many more stories from parents who had gone through the same thing. Every story brought me to tears and touched my heart. Then God put it on my heart to write this story. This story is also for them.
2- What is the one takeaway from the book that you pray that everyone ‘gets’?
3- I’ve searched and can’t find anything else you’ve written, can we even hope for more from you?
Thanks, Dusti! I know I’ll be checking in periodically & I’ve already purchased this book for several friends & my nieces.
Great interview!!
This books sounds so good. I really want to try it someday.