Inside the Author: Dusti Bowling

by | Mar 13, 2012 | Inside the Author | 2 comments

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that, although I’m a conservative Christian, I read books from pretty much across the board. There are a lot of reasons for this but one of them is so that I’m able to speak knowledgeably to people who enjoy all genres about books that I love.

Recently, I read a book that completely floored me. The impact this book had on me was shocking and I needed to spend some time with the author to dig in just a bit more.

(If you’re interested you can find my review here.)

1- This book covered all of the bases, but I felt like you had someone particular in mind when you wrote this. Can you describe the person you intended this for?

This book was written for young people who are struggling with developing a true relationship with God because of all the negative messages they receive from the world. It is so difficult these days to be a young person of faith when everyone (friends, books, TV) is pressuring them to do things that conflict with the Christian walk. I wanted to show them these things only lead to heartache. The only thing that brings true joy is God.

My inspiration for this story, however, came from a friend who had a similar experience. I was so moved by her story, her strength, her faithfulness, and her love for her baby that I never could stop thinking about it. I went online and read many more stories from parents who had gone through the same thing. Every story brought me to tears and touched my heart. Then God put it on my heart to write this story. This story is also for them.

2- What is the one takeaway from the book that you pray that everyone ‘gets’?

It’s difficult to choose just one takeaway, but I would have to say I pray that anyone who reads this, especially teenagers, would come away from the book with a renewed faith that God is truly there for them, even in the absolute worst of times, and he is able to use these situations for good. Things will get better. They may even get wonderful.

3- I’ve searched and can’t find anything else you’ve written, can we even hope for more from you?

I have a few different projects in the works, but being a homeschooling mom with a young baby leaves little time to write these days. I’ve been working on another YA Christian fiction novel for several years that I hope to complete and release in the next year. I also have a couple of chapter books I’ve written for younger children I would like to release before too long. I will let you know when they come out!

Thanks, Dusti! I know I’ll be checking in periodically & I’ve already purchased this book for several friends & my nieces.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. Juju at Tales of Whimsy...

    This books sounds so good. I really want to try it someday.