Review | King Me

by | Dec 28, 2023 | 2023, A, Adult, eBook, Hardback

King Me by J A Crawford
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The King is Dead, and the Game is Afoot.

The hit TV show, The Lands Beyond, has become a cultural phenomenon, influencing fashion and baby name trends. Its creator, R. R. Reynard, masterminds the story each season, pitting the cast against each other in a toxic, kill or be killed, environment. But Reynard has even greater ambitions.

He’s formed a feudalistic society of superfans who are willing to do anything to rise in the ranks and be officially canonized as a character on The Lands Beyond. With the show set to enter its final season, the cast, crew, and superfans attend a convention at the historic Chateau D’Loire. While holding court, Reynard is murdered, and the notebook holding all the secrets, twists, and endings disappears.

Enter Ken Allen, former D-list actor turned private eye.

As the body count rises, Ken discovers the stakes are far greater than just a television show. And the fantasy neophyte is about to learn that all is fair in love and war in The Lands Beyond.

* from Goodreads

Hott Review of King Me:

It’s so difficult to write a review of a book you love, when you’re three deep in the series and loved every one of them.

I love Ken Allen. I appreciate his wry humor, his sarcasm, and his lack of arrogance. If you’ve not met him, it’s not that he’s overly modest or humble, just very honest with himself and others about who he is an what he’s capable of. After a few misstarts, it seems he’s finally found his pace as a PI to the stars in a town that values discretion more than any other quality. Unfortunately, his personal life is still a bit of a quandary.

King Me is an exciting mystery that follows Ken Allen Super Sleuth as he tries to figure out who had the most to gain by killing R. R. Reynard. It is unlike any other book I’ve read because, in addition to the mystery and Ken’s ever present gadgetry, there is a lot of detailed action and weaponry. King Me offers an exhilarating and fast-paced pursuit to unveil the perpetrator behind the cult king’s demise, making it essential reading for mystery enthusiasts who appreciate a blend of action and humor.


Author: J. A. Crawford
Source: Amazon
Publisher & Date: November 14, 2023 by CamCat Books
Genre: Mystery
ISBN: 9780744305760 (ISBN10: 0744305764)
Pages: 288
Grade: A
Ages: 16+
Steam: Adult
Setting: A castle type hotel in Fictional This Town
Series: Ken Allen Super Sleuth, 3


Author Bio:

J A Crawford

Born near Detroit, J. A. Crawford wanted to grow up to be a superhero, before he found out it was more of a hobby. He’s the first in his family to escape the factory line for college. Too chicken to major in writing, he studied Criminal Justice at Wayne State University instead, specializing in criminal procedure and interrogation.

Despite what his family thinks, J. A. is not a spy. When he isn’t writing, he travels the country investigating disaster sites. Before that, he taught Criminal Justice, Montessori Kindergarten, and several martial arts. J. A. is an alum of the Pitch Wars program. In his spare time, he avoids carbohydrates and as many punches as possible.

He loves the stories behind the stories and finds everything under the sun entirely too interesting. J. A. splits his time between Michigan and California. He is married to his first and biggest fan, who is not allowed to bring home any more pets.

Catch Up With J. A. Crawford:
Instagram – @josephoforb
Twitter – @josephoforb
Facebook – @jacrawfordoforb
TikTok – @josephoforb




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Gina ~ Hott Books

** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review. If you have further questions, please, review my FTC Disclaimer on my homepage.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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