Review | Study Hacker

by | Mar 28, 2018 | 2018, Ages 12-18, D, eBook

Study Hacker: Study less, improve your grades and enjoy everlasting academic success by Despina Gavoyannis

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Do you feel like you spend way more time studying than you should or even want to? Truth is, many students do! Of those who don’t, very few know how to use the small amount of time they do study to help them achieve the grades they are after. In either case, this book will help you overcome any obstacles you face when it comes to spending less time studying while also improving your grades.

The techniques suggested in this book have been used by Despina Gavoyannis and countless other students she has worked with to achieve great academic success. Despina went from failing to placing in the top 4% of the state in less than five months, and in her final year of high school nonetheless. Using the methods she describes in this book, you can also achieve the same, if not completely surpass these results.

That’s what study hacking is all about. This is the book for you if you find that you:

  • Are uncertain about what to do after you finish school
  • Know you have bad habits which are preventing you from succeeding
  • Struggle to be organised or to manage your time
  • Find that you get stressed out by upcoming exams, university applications or the thought of what to do once you finish school

Going well in school can be a tough process. Becoming a study hacker will make your success in this process as effortless and as easy as possible!

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Hott Review:

I really didn’t enjoy Study Hacker. The book is fine, but there was so much info on her experiences and qualifications I didn’t love it.

Study Hacker has some great tips and ideas, but, quite frankly, it’s easier to just visit her website for the info.


Author: Despina Gavoyannis
Source: I purchased this item on November 7, 2016 when it was free.
Publisher & Date: October 17th 2016 by Best Seller Publishing
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 172
Grade: D
Ages: 15+


Author Bio:

Despina GavoyannisDespina Gavoyannis has been working with students from all walks of life since 2008. The techniques she used to go from failing to placing in the top 4% of the state, while completing her final year of high school, have been replicated with great success by countless other students (many even surpassing her own results). In addition to coaching, mentoring and tutoring students, Despina has studied Education at the University of Sydney and is currently turning her attention toward backing the techniques she advocates with educational research.

For access to more tips and techniques for students, or to stay updated with the latest in educational research, visit:


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Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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