Fall Into Reading: Q3

by | Oct 12, 2011 | Hott Views | 5 comments

Each week Katrina @ Callapidder Days will be posting a question to go along with our FIR challenge.

On what devices, if any, do you read books? Or are you strictly a “physical book” reader?

Ok. I’ll answer this but you have to promise you won’t laugh at me.

  • Kindle: Yes, I have one but I really don’t like it. So I’ve started to use it to only download my kids books so that they can use it without taking what I prefer to use.
  • Nook: This is my favorite. There is just something about reading on my Nook that is just so peaceful to me. Because of the warranty I purchased with this I take it everywhere – the tub, soccer, the beach – without fear. It’s lasted me almost two years now and I see no chance of me giving it up.
  • DROID: Nope. I do have both the Kindle and Nook apps on my DROID but don’t really like to read on such a small screen.
  • PC: Not generally. I don’t enjoy either of the desk chairs nor do I like sitting with the laptop on my lap to read.
  • iPad: Constantly. I take this with me everywhere! With this, as soon as I’m finished a book I can write my review before even starting on my next read. Or, more likely, I can write my synopsis 1/3 of the way in instead of waiting until I know too much. It’s also great to have around for the kids. I have apps on here for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Christianbook.com, iBooks, and a reader for Netgalley books – it’s justt too easy!
  • Physical: Not so much, anymore. I still love the feel of a book in my hands but overall. I like that I’m getting rid of my ‘fire-hazard’, as hubby calls my library. Now, I can own as many books as I like without his disdain – or knowledge. Though I do keep my favorites hanging around.
  • What about you? How do you read?

    Written by Regina Hott

    I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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    1. Wall-to-wall books

      I have a nook color and I loooooove it!!!
      I prob. read about 50/50 between nook and actual books.

    2. Christine

      I have an ipad and do purchase and read books on it–which I enjoy very much, and intend to do more and more in the future. Right now I am still reading a lot of physical books because I have a tremendous TBR of purchased books before I got the ipad as well as books that friends just give me. Also, if there's a book I'm interested in reading, I have a policy of looking for it in local libraries first before buying it.

      I sometimes read on the go from my iphone, but I that's usually reserved for short spells like sitting in a waiting room or in the car waiting for my kids, times like that.

    3. Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic

      This is very interesting because you seem to be moving away from paper books. I have a Sony Ereader, a Nook color, and crossing my fingers for an Ipad but I still prefer paper books. I also prefer my Sony ereader to my Nook Color. Great post.

    4. Wall-to-wall books

      Alexis – Really? I am not familiar with the Sony, why do you like it better than the nook color?

    5. Joy Tamsin David

      Do you own every ereader known to man?! LOL.

      I love my Kindle (never tried the Nook). The only problem I've had is it seems pretty fragile. I'm on my third device in 4 months. Thank goodness for the warrantee.