Review: The Perfect Holiday

by | Dec 20, 2010 | 2010, B+, Christmas30, eBook, Novella, Review | 1 comment

‘That Holiday Feeling’ is a compilation of three novellas from three amazing authors.
Silver Bells is a short installment in the Manning series by Debbie Macomber; The Perfect Holiday is from Sherryl Woods; and Under the Christmas Tree by Robyn Carr is installment 7.5 in the Virgin River series. Here is my take:

Barnes and Noble – AmazonGoodreads

Trace has only ever really loved one woman besides his mother. Aunt Mae.

So when this past fall Aunt Mae asked that he return to Holiday Inn for Christmas even though she’ll have passed from the cancer that been slowly taking her for such a long time.

What he didn’t expect was the gorgeous woman or her imp of a daughter that would be in residence. What exactly is going on here — is Aunt Mae matchmaking from the grave?

My Thoughts

This was really cute. I enjoyed it but I’ve liked for there to have been more.

Rating: B
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Steam: Quite steamy. Not for young eyes… or mother-in-laws…

** Many of the books I review are Advance Review Copies. These books are loaned to me for my review. I am in no way compensated for my time nor am I asked to give anything but my honest review.

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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1 Comment

  1. Juju at Tales of

    Not for young ones or mother in laws? LOL