Oops — Tagged!

by | Oct 24, 2010 | Blog Reviews, CJ, Hott Views, Hubby, Zany | 6 comments

Things have been a bit crazy for the last couple of weeks. Needless to say, anything over the essential posting has not been done by me. Neither has anything that required thought.

So, it’s with much apology that I ask forgiveness of Cmash for not responding to her post Tagging me over a week ago.

Now for the rules of the game:
Accept the tag and link to the tagger at the beginning of your post.
Answer the questions honestly in your post by listing four things.
Pass on the love by picking four other people to tag and listing them at the bottom of your post. Notify them that you tagged them.

4 Things That Are In My Handbag:
~ Nook
~ Camera
~ Benedryl (my allergies…)
~ Clorox Wipes

4 Favorite Things In My Bedroom:
~ My Bed & Dressers that Hubby Surprised me with on my 30th

4 Things On My Desk:
~ Pics of my kids from 2005
~ Laptop
~ Calendar
~ Way too much crap

4 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do (but haven’t yet):
~ Finish College
~ Own a bookstore
~ Go to Disney
~ Go to Europe

4 Things I Enjoy Very Much At the Moment
~ Spending time with my family
~ Blogging
~ Reading
~ Web Design

4 Songs I Can’t Get Out Of My Head:
~ Barney’s Clean-Up Song (Zany still sings it when cleaning)
~ Amazing Grace (My ringtone)
~ Ole Ole Ole (The soccer chant that is my hubby’s ring tone)
~ Big Buts, Sir Mix A-Lot (hubby plays it A LOT because it embarrasses CJ)

4 Things You Don’t Know About Me:
~ I do not enjoy watching tv
~ I can’t stand reality shows (I know, I’ve just alienated most of my blogging buddies!)
~ I don’t ‘get’ the interest in vampire-werewolf books
~ I read what many consider ‘crap’ because I honestly spend too much time thinking & that’s my time to revel in thoughtless relaxation

4 Bloggers I am Tagging:
(in no particular order & I won’t be hurt or offended if you choose not to participate!!)
PhotobucketMommy's Idea

Written by Regina Hott

I love to read! But I don't always think the synopsis on the backs of books do them justice. I do, however, believe all books should come with an intended rating - or at least a steam FYI. So, I'm taking upon myself to educate all -- christian & secular readers, alike -- on the books behind the synopsis and the possible things you may not want your YA reader to see. Enjoy!

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  1. Joy Tamsin David

    Ooh, you've never been to Disney?? You soooo gotta go! Love that place. 🙂 Thanks for tagging me.

  2. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.com

    I don't like reality tv either 😉

  3. Christine

    Clorox wipes in your purse? Wow. Must be a pretty big purse! ;P

    I'm not a tv person either. I'm pretty oblivious to all the shows out there that people are always talking about.

    I didn't know you were into web design!!?

    Thanks for tagging me! I'll play along… hopefully one day this week. 🙂

  4. Hott Books - Gina

    Christine – they make small packs of 10 or so clorox wipes. I carry those because we end up at so many soccer games where the only potties are icky & generally portable that I need a way to clean them up before I let my baby girl in there!
    I love web design – I'm terrific with code I just have no imagination!

  5. Christine

    Very smart with the Clorox wipes! Porto-potties are so disgusting. *shudder*

  6. CMash

    I knew the right person to tag lol. I just loved your answers especially the one about your desk, not watching tv (me too) but I do have a cable news on and kind of listen and most importantly, web design…now I know who to go to since I am computer iliterate lol.