
Say What?

The other night laying in bed hubby moved and said, "I can't lay like that it makes my neck stiffer." I, of course, responded with, "Oh honey! I'm so sorry do you want for me to massage it for you?" uh, nope that's SO not me... I really said: "Stiffer? Yeah, I don't...

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The Great Parent Debate

Hubby and I were arguing. Oh, it wasn't your typical argument. It was one of those crazy arguments that make no sense whatsoever. You see we had signed our son up for soccer -- I know you're shocked, right? And the coach was, well lets say he was less than we hoped....

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We Need Sleep!!

My husband is a bit tense. He's not mean and he does have fun but he tends to be a bit uptight. So, the other night after a game we were laying in bed watching tv and he called out to CJ, "In bed by 9:30 tonight!" I looked over at him and said, "It's almost 10." He...

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Our Greatest Lessons

Hubby and I have three kids and a ton of nieces and nephews but sometimes we learn greater lessons from the children and teens he coaches. One of the teens asked me the other day if I'll be attending all of their games this year. I laughed and said that I would and...

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Ringing in the New Year

Happy New Year!! How has your year begun? This morning we finished another movie in our end of year movie marathon. Everything was looking good. Then while I was in the shower, the curtain fell and the shower rod clunked me on the head. Hubby ran in to save me and...

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One evening not long ago, I was exhausted. Zany didn't want to go to bed, so she kept offering to help me with different things but I was so tired I could barely think. I looked at her and said, "Why don't you go take a shower for me. I'm too tired to get up."My doll...

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Be More Careful…

My children make me laugh!Not very long ago Hubby woke up with a swollen eye. Well, he, being the smarty pants he is, told everyone who'd listen that I popped him one.I didn't think much of it until that evening when I tucked my baby girl into bed. She looked at me...

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