

As we drive past a neighbor's house. Bug looks up and says, "Hey! They're putting up an extension!" CJ - who knows everything 😉 - responds, "It's not an extension. It's an addition. Extensions are those things girls put in their hair... Well, I guess guys could put...

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Why is it still cold?

Two days until April and there is freezing rain outside... & I'm headed out to watch my darling son play soccer... on turf. The things we do for our children. Think of me 😉 (The pic is from Fall... when we knew what the sun was...) Gina ~ Hott Books

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WOW – Really?!?!

After my son's basketball game last week I drove he and one of his teammates, J, home. I'd noticed during the game that one of their friends, usually a starter, had sat the bench throughout the game. So I asked if he was okay. Bug replied, "He hurt his ankle." "Oh,...

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The Great Parent Debate

Hubby and I were arguing. Oh, it wasn't your typical argument. It was one of those crazy arguments that make no sense whatsoever. You see we had signed our son up for soccer -- I know you're shocked, right? And the coach was, well lets say he was less than we hoped....

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My Boy & Girls….

Bug & I were in the car the other day when the Beastie Boys song "Girls" came on the radio. Forgetting what the lyrics were like I let it play... My son got this odd look in his eye and I wondered what kind of a teachable moment this was going to be... one for me or...

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